Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Define Perfect.

Here we are again..

Been working on life. My life.
While working on life, this topic was for lack of a better word, thrown in my lap. My questions asked went something like this; "If one truly existed, what would she look like? What certain character traits would she possess? Is the perfect woman based on her beauty or how great her personality is?" 
Hmm... I don't know about you, but the ideal of a "perfect woman" seems to be a custom preference.
There is that guy that can't look at a woman, let alone conversate with one he's not physically attracted to. But, there is also that man that looks deeper. The man who admires a woman for intellect, rather her the shape of her body and, sway in her hips. Feel me..?
Remembering from one of my Greek Mythology courses, a story of a sculptor who fell in love with his statue, it kinda help me put things into perspective. "In Ovid's narrative, Pygmalion was a Cypriot sculptor who carved a woman out of ivory. According to Ovid, after seeing the Propoetides prostituting themselves (more accurately, they denied the divinity of Aphrodite and she thus ‘reduced’ them to prostitution), he was not interested in women, but his statue was so fair and realistic that he fell in love with it. In the vertex, Venus (Aphrodite)'s festival day came. For the festival, Pygmalion made offerings to Venus and made a wish. "I sincerely wished the ivory sculpture will be changed to a real woman." However, he couldn’t bring himself to express it. When he returned home, Cupid sent by Venus kissed the ivory sculpture on the hand. At that time, it was changed to a beautiful woman. A ring was put on her finger. It was Cupid’s ring which made love achieved. Venus granted his wish."

This man really fell in love with a statue!
Wonderful story. He saw no one else as being as perfect as her. "Fair and realistic" are the words used to describe this "perfect woman."
Now, for the men out there... If you're asked to describe your ideal "perfect woman," would "fair and realistic" fit that description? Probably not.
I'll put it like this; if you asked a room of 30 guys this question, if you do not get 30 different answers.... I bet you'd get 29.

                                                      Enjoy =).